bakgul/laravel-helpers (v1.0.9)
A package to add helper classes and methods to Laravel
Categories: PHP
pmvc/pmvc-cli (0.5.6)
PMVC Global command-line, type "pmvc xxx" in your project folder
Categories: PHP
zouloux/bowl (1.2.9)
Advanced CMS fields workflow on top of Wordplate for Wordpress.
Categories: PHP
simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp (v2.0.0)
A PHP implementation of a SAML 2.0 service provider and identity provider.
Categories: PHP
dom-digital-online-media/living_spaces (1.0.0-alpha69)
Distribution for user spaces (groups) that designed for extranet/intranet workflow.
Categories: PHP
libriciel/php-password (3.0.1)
Bibliothèque PHP permettant de calculer la force et l'entropie d'un mot de passe et de générer des mots de passes aléatoires.
Categories: PHP
zicht/standards-php (4.1.8)
Contains the Zicht PHP coding standards, including phpcs ruleset
Categories: PHP
zicht/standards-php (3.5.2)
Contains the Zicht PHP coding standards, including phpcs ruleset
Categories: PHP
overtrue/phplint (9.0.4)
`phplint` is a tool that can speed up linting of php files by running several lint processes at once.
Categories: PHP